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Fee Structure

(Fees Structure 2020-2021)
S.No Classes Tuition fee Examination Fee Total Fees UIN Grand Total
1 B.A I ( Non Practical ) 4650 1200 5850 150 6000
2 B.A I ( With One Practical ) 5650 1200 6850 150 7000
3 B.A I ( With Two Practical ) 6650 1200 7850 150 8000
4 B.A II ( Non Practical ) 4500 1000 5500 5500
5 B.A II ( With One Practical ) 4500 1000 5500 5500
6 B.A II ( With Two Practical ) 4700 1000 5700 5700
7 B.A III ( With Non Practical ) 4000 1000 5000 5000
8 B.A III ( With One Practical ) 4000 1000 5000 5000
9 B.A III ( With Two Practical ) 4500 1000 5500 5500
10 B.Com I 8650 1200 9850 150 10000
11 B.Com II 7000 1000 8000 8000
12 B.Com III 6500 1000 7500 7500
13 B.Sc I 10650 1200 11850 150 12000
14 B.Sc I ( Applied ) 13650 1200 14850 150 15000
15 B.Sc II 7000 1500 8500 8500
16 B.Sc II ( Applied ) 8500 1500 10000 10000
17 B.Sc III 6500 1000 7500 7500
18 B.Sc III ( Applied ) 8000 1000 9000 9000
19 M.A I English 10650 1200 11850 150 12000
20 M.A II English 8800 1700 10500 10500
21 M.A I Home Science 13650 1200 14850 150 15000
22 M.A II Home Science 13800 1700 15500 15500
23 M.Sc I Botany 18650 1200 19850 150 20000
24 M.Sc II Botany 15800 1700 17500 17500
25 M.Sc I Chemistry 18650 1200 19850 150 20000
26 M.Sc II Chemistry 15800 1700 17500 17500
27 M.Sc I Zoology 18650 1200 19850 150 20000
28 M.Sc II Zoology 15800 1700 17500 17500
29 M.Com I 18650 1200 19850 150 20000
30 M.Com II 15800 1700 17500 17500
31 B.Ed Ist 51650 2200 53850 150 54000
32 B.Ed IInd 30800 2200 33000 33000
33 M.Ed Ist 55150 4200 59350 150 59500
34 M.Ed IInd 30800 4200 35000 35000
35 B.P.Ed I Sem 17500 3800 21300 150 21450
36 B.P.Ed II Sem 17500 3800 21300 21300
37 B.P.Ed III Sem 17500 3800 21300 21300
38 B.P.Ed IV Sem 17500 3800 21300 21300
39 B.A , B.Com I,II,III Private/Ex Stu 0 2250 2250 2250
40 B.Sc I,II,III Ex Stu 0 3350 3350 3350
43 Backpaper UG ( B.A,B.Sc,B.Com ) 0 1500 1500 1500
44 Backpaper PG ( M.A,M.Sc,M.Com ) 0 1600 1600 1600
45 Backpaper ( M.Ed,B.Ed,B.P.Ed ) 0 1600 1600 1600
Note – University Examination fees follow as per University norms. Which can be change as per University order.
University Nomination Fees 200/- will be deposit by Ist Year Students of UG and Previous year students from other University graduate for PG Classes.